Monday, 29 October 2012

technique of regulating

Air conditioning in the context of human or industrial products as a facility is air-control technology. The physical properties of the air in the controlled air conditioning. The air temperature, humidity, air movement or rotation of the dust particles in the air are. The need to consider human comfort air conditioning of the four properties of a control. Even more precise control over the assets of certain industrial air conditioning units require surgery. Flavor and other characteristics, such as air pressure is controlled in a few specific industries.

The air conditioning was opinion interests us today? cavemen, pre-historic times, the idea began. Extreme cold inside the caves of the life to come up with something that is more comfortable and stimulated. The first fire was discovered and used to heat their caves. Moving forward rapidly, temperature-controlled environment of the hearths, ovens and ceramic erippukalum growth can be open, but the birth of the modern air conditioning because of Willis H. Carrier. A mixture of air and water vapor carrier described the power relationships. In order to enable designers to predict performance engineering components, carrier proposed to simplify operations.

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